How We Help
Your website has immense potential to support your organization's growth. Just as a farmer cultivates land, digital marketing helps cultivate your website for success.
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Analytics & Tracking
Prepare the Field
As a farmer clears debris and weeds before planting, it's essential to address anything on your website that may hinder growth. This includes optimizing page speed, ensuring mobile accessibility, and resolving issues that block search engine indexing. Ensure accurate setup of tools like Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Google Search Console, and proper tracking of key events, email campaign traffic, and more. Set up your website for success with Analytics and Tracking Setup.
Learn About Analytics and Tracking
Search Engine Optimization
Sow Seed
Optimizing your website's content helps it get discovered by your target audience. Just as seeds need time to grow into thriving plants, optimized content requires time to gain visibility with search engines and attract valuable traffic. Invest in growth with a SEO Keyword Analysis Report or Digital Marketing Audit and Strategy
Unlock your website’s potential and explore the opportunities SEO and search advertising can bring to your organization.
This comprehensive service includes the Analytics and Tracking Setup and SEO Keyword Analysis Report, plus competitor analysis, website analytics review, and actionable digital marketing strategies to boost your performance. The insights gained from this audit provide the foundation for implementing effective SEO strategies.
Learn About SEO
Ongoing SEO and Digital Advertising
Irrigate and Fertilize
To ensure a strong harvest, farmers invest in irrigation and fertilization. Similarly, your organization can enhance its SEO with strategic efforts like content promotion, social media integration, and backlink building. Supporting strategies can include creating optimized blog content and investing in search, social, or display advertising to generate immediate results. Invest in an SEO Keyword Analysis Report, which also identifies search advertising opportunities.
Learn About Digital Advertising
Performance Reporting
Harvest the Rewards
Celebrate your achievements as you collect leads, donations, memberships, and more! Performance reporting through tools like Looker Studio provides valuable insights into what strategies worked and what didn’t and how to improve future efforts. Track your success with a Looker Studio Performance Dashboard.
Learn About Performance Reporting
Ongoing Digital Marketing Services
Saving Seed for Future Growth
Just as a farmer saves seeds from a successful harvest for the next season, we build on the insights gained from each campaign to inform future efforts. Ongoing services can begin immediately after SEO implementaion or align with your monthly budget to sustain momentum over time.